
Don’t be selfish . . .

My little girl is just about to turn 2.5 years old. :( and :)

I have never felt so complete in my roll as a child of God. Being a mother is the biggest and hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. I use to think that I had to be in the mission field or doing some new and novel thing for humanity for me to feel like I am making my life worth surviving cancer when so many die from it daily. (more on that on some other day in some other post) Being responsible for the mental and physical health and well being of this tiny, helpless person, has finally put my pressure to make something of myself to rest. I am honored to take this job on. That God trusts us with such a large task is beyond me.

Being a parent has also put a lot of my concerns and confusion about the human relationship with God to peace too. I still am on the spiritual journey. I hope to never think that I have it all figured out, because then I think that I would be spiritually complacent. But loving someone who can’t understand the love I have for them and who will do things I ask her not to do and who will hurt me and rebel from my love. This role I am in has given me a better idea of why God did what he did and does what he does for each one of us.

20140426_153916Don’t be selfish . . .

Boxes to Bins :)

Don’t be selfish . . .

I have mentioned before that my house has VERY LITTLE storage. Because of this, you will be seeing me post with storage ideas more then once.


My mother in law comes out to visit often and I am so blessed that she loves to be involved with my ideas and projects. I am also blessed because she sews the cutest little cloths for my daughter and she is an expert thrift shopper. The only problem with all this is that I have no where to put all the cloths.


Last time she was out visiting she came up with a solution to my problem. I buy wipes and night time diapers from costco and the box they come in is really strong. So, I save those boxes and put my daughters cloths in them that are too small or too big. However, I have been moving all the too small cloths into plastic storage bins to put in our crawl space and those boxes were becoming ugly temp cloths holders.




Sandy, my mother in law, took the leftover drawer lining contact paper I had been using for wall paper in the camper and covered the boxes, making sure to keep the handholds exposed. Make sure to cut the tabs off before you put the paper on.

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They fit perfectly into the self in my daughter’s room that we got from IKEA. Now her PJ’s, sweaters and light coats have a pretty home and I have room in the drawers for more thrift store finds :)


 Don’t be selfish . . .